Monday, May 24, 2010


I keep trying to kill you.
I'm sorry.
It's because I'm sick.
I won't really do it.
I hope you forgive me.

Sunday, May 16, 2010



A lot of churches these days are trying to be "relevant" to the culture, and reach the "new generation". Okay, so this in and of itself is not bad. I've been looking at websites of hip and cool new churches, and also of other churches that are making themselves over, so to say.
Guess what?
Its still a white men's club.
Senior Pastor: man
Deacons: man
Elders: man
Youth Pastor: man
children's ministry: Woman! THAT is where women can minister! In their place with the children!

Side note: Of course I know of the exceptions to these cliche's. But most churches that have women as leadership outside or kids, youth, singing, and womens ministry, and inside of eldership, deaconship, or head pastoral staff are seen as on the edge of bad doctrine, and possibly even supporting feminism. *GASP* Clarification: I am NOT a feminist! I am also not a man hater! I am, however, a woman who has worked in ministry and is called in ministry, and it is almost impossible to TRULY be taken seriously in today's American conservative Christian culture. Sure, you'll see women on home pages for church websites. They will even be considered leaders. But WHO makes the big decisions? You know who.

Look, i'm not trying to stir up hate. I just had an observation that even in today's culture where church wants to be relevant and new and attractive, there are still the core issues that stay the same, and that won't adapt to cultural changes. New words and cool t-shirts, and tattoos and faux hawks don't cancel out what your philosophy really is.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

you & me

I meet you.
I like you.
You like me.
I get to know you.
You get to know me.
I like you more.
You like me more.
You kiss me.
I like you more.
You get to know me more.
I get to know you more.
You love me.
I love you.
I finally know you.
You finally know me.

But wait.

You can't handle me.
I'm not who you thought I was.
I still love you.
I take down your pictures.
You're happier with out me.
I know you.
You don't know me.

Repeat until you die.