Friday, January 7, 2011


Hello out there, demented blog followers. Whoever you are. (Hi Kristyn, I appreciate your openness about you dementia)

Anyway. I'm in kind of a "blah" mood, whatever that means. I was thinking today about Jesus. As I was reading Luke (and no, this is not a pious attempt to out my Bible reading, making me look like a good Christian. I am FAR from a good Christian. In fact, I don't even want to be a Christian most of the time, but I can't help it because half the time I'm scared, and half the time I believe.) I came to realize that Jesus was accomplishing his purpose while on earth. His mission was filled before he died. In fact, (heresy warning) I wonder if his death and resurrection were merely acts of symbolism for the Jewish people that God performed for the sake of their following. To show them. The mission of Christ today is to heal, reconcile, and set free. That was the same mission he had before he died. Before people could receive the doctrine of his dying and rising, Jesus was out forgiving sins. He was forgiving before he died. He was calling for love before he died. Maybe that's what salvation is. Maybe that powerful phrase belted out at the birth of Jesus that is lost so much to holiday tradition today really was what he was about. Peace on Earth. Goodwill to men. Peace. Love. Love your neighbor. Love your enemy. Well Jesus, that sucks. But then I know how my heart is softened towards people that love me, when they really should hate me. Love others, or as I like to say, prefer others over yourself. That is the kingdom of God. I suck at it. But I believe in it. I want to love much, because I have been forgiven much. I have been forgiven of so much.